Is 3 weeks too old for a newborn session? Absolutely not. You will never regret capturing your newborn whether it’s 1 month old, or 6 months old. There is a caveat though and let me explain.
There has been a trend, or a misconception rather, that newborn photos have to be done by 2 weeks old. That you will never be able to capture your sweet fresh new baby in those cute newborn poses. There are many photographers who live by this rule & refuse to work with any baby over 2 weeks. I am not one of them. I have worked with many newborns over the 3 week mark with great results & look just like sessions within the “recommended” timeframe.
It is really sometimes difficult to get babies in by their 2 week birthday. Mom may still be recovering, baby had to spend some time in the hospital. Mom might have not known that typically sessions are booked while baby is still born to guarantee their session. There are countless situations & I get phone calls or emails all the time from stressed out parents that they “missed” the window. I am here today to tell you that you did not. I will do everything I can to fit you in, or help you find someone with availability in their calendar.
Best time to photograph a baby is 7-21 days
Here at Elizabeth Frederick Photography, I prefer not to have a newborn in the studio until they are at least 7 days, but preferably in their second week. I have found that it’s a perfect mix of getting baby sleepy in those squishy poses without having to eat every 10 minutes. This gives mom more time to bond, & heal without having to stress about running out the door to sit on someone else’s couch for hours. I make it as comfortable as possible, but there is no place like home.
Other good time to photograph newborns: 3weeks to 8 weeks
After 3 weeks, babies become more alert. They also have been on the outside for a few weeks, developing muscles & gaining weight making it harder to get them really super squishy. For these reasons, the session may look a little different and we won’t be able to get ALL the poses that you hoped for, but you will still love the session the same because it’s still your precious baby. With older newborns, I have 2 plans. One that is still a sleepy newborn, but then a backup plan that may work best for your newborn.
Exceptions to the Rule: Premies & Multiples
Premies and multiples are the exception to the rule. Since they tend to need to spend time in the hospital longer it’s not always possible to get them in before 2 weeks. But because they are born earlier, their window of newborn like photos is much larger than babies born to full term.
After 8 weeks
After 8 weeks, I am more than happy to still photograph your newborn, and won’t turn them away. We will discuss what to expect from your session and I may encourage you to wait until 3-4 months just to get more variety, but at the end of the day, if you want to capture them I will do as requested.
I hope that this article has reassured you that if you did miss the 14 day window for a photo shoot with your baby you still have options. Like what you see? Check out some of my newborn galleries HERE which feature newborn sessions from 7 days to 5 weeks.
If you have any questions about having your baby photographed or are ready to book your session please email me at I’d love to discuss getting your baby on our calendar.

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